Blue Mountain’s the one ’n’ only ”Josie”

Australian Shepherd Züchter aus Krefeld (NRW)



So­me­ti­mes, it seems as though the­re is a small ali­en in Jo­sie’s head who is se­cret­ly stu­dy­ing us. She is high­ly in­tel­li­gent and is con­stant­ly wat­ching us, even when it ap­pears that she is snoo­zing in a corner. 

She wants to be part of ever­y­thing and stick her nose in it for a se­cond. If we hold so­me­thing in our hand that she de­ems to be of in­te­rest to her, a dog sn­out will come up in slow mo­ti­on to sniff the ob­ject from a re­spectful di­stance. Jo­sie will stand per­fect­ly ba­lan­ced on her two hind legs – re­ason en­ough to let this be­ha­vi­or ”pass.”


Jo­sie is very em­pa­the­tic. When­ever one of her peo­p­le fri­ends is sad, you can be sure that she will come run­ning to see what is the mat­ter. She licks your face to cheer you up or se­cret­ly clim­bs onto the sofa to be with us – so­me­thing that is, of cour­se, not re­al­ly al­lo­wed. She then puts her ears back and tri­es to make hers­elf as small as pos­si­ble. This be­ha­vi­or of hers never fails to make us laugh.

Our blue mer­le dar­ling loves to cudd­le, and plea­se be­wa­re: your lap will de­fi­ni­te­ly not be safe if you de­ci­de to sit on the flo­or! Cudd­le ses­si­ons on the li­ving room flo­or are li­ke­wi­se never tur­ned down. Even if one of us sleeps on the sofa, a rare oc­cur­rence, she will curl up in your arm and spend the night with you un­der the covers.

Test Results

HDA1 frei
ED0 frei
OCD0 frei
MDR1(+/-) Trä­ger
HSF4(+/+) frei
CEA(+/+) frei
PRA(+/+) frei
NCL(+/+) frei
DM(+/+) frei
Di­lute(+/+) frei
Brachy­urie(+/+) frei
Ge­bisskorr. vollst. Schere


Jo­sie loves to sit down at our feet, look at us with tho­se big, sweet eyes of hers, and ask to be pet­ted. It his hard to re­sist her look. Du­ring the­se ma­neu­vers, she so­me­ti­mes li­kes to lean into our legs, and, should we dare to move, will end up topp­ling over onto the flo­or. Her next move then is to roll over on her back so that we can at least rub her bel­ly. If we so­mehow ma­na­ge to re­sist rub­bing her bel­ly, she rai­ses her head af­ter a few se­conds to give us a few, ques­tio­ning glan­ces. Jo­sie will hold this po­si­ti­on for a litt­le while lon­ger in or­der to con­vin­ce us to pet her. 

In the evenings, Jo­sie li­kes to sit near us in front of, or lea­ning into the sofa, snoo­ze in one of her bas­kets, or re­ti­re to her crate.

Jo­sie loves to per­form tricks and to learn new ones. She cle­ar­ly wants to exe­cu­te ever­y­thing cor­rect­ly, and (so­me­ti­mes, un­fort­u­na­te­ly) re­al­ly fast. Jo­sie ex­hi­bits a strong eager­ness to plea­se, which is what one ex­pects in an Aus­tra­li­an She­p­herd.

Ri­ding in the car is one of her pas­si­ons. Go­ing shop­ping wi­t­hout her pre­sence in the trunk is not what she had in mind! She gi­ves us long looks from head to toe with her big, sweet eyes and pu­shes us ever clo­ser to the front door. No­ne­thel­ess, it is not a pro­blem to lea­ve her at home while we take off for a shop­ping spree to London … 

Play­ing in the yard and run­ning off leash du­ring walks are some of Josie’s fa­vo­ri­te hob­bies. She acts like a litt­le child in the snow, and ex­pert­ly cat­ches snow­balls and fal­ling snow­flakes. In deep, fluffy, new snow, she hops like a bun­ny to keep her head abo­ve the snow line.

An­o­ther one of Josie’s pas­si­ons is re­trie­ving her fa­vo­ri­te toy. She is up for any game or ac­ti­vi­ty. At home, she en­joys lay­ing in front of the door to the yard to watch squir­rels jump from tree to tree. She also wat­ches birds, phe­a­sants, and any­thing else that mo­ves in the yard. This ent­ails run­ning from win­dow to win­dow in a sta­te of high alert to keep an eye on wha­te­ver has pea­k­ed her interest.

Jo­sie is open to the com­pa­ny of other 4‑legged ani­mals, whe­ther dogs or cats, and en­joys play­ing with them. In a group en­vi­ron­ment, Jo­sie is ge­ne­ral­ly a cal­ming in­fluence on ac­count of her even tem­pe­ra­ment. When ne­ces­sa­ry, she can im­po­se her will, but this never oc­curs in a mean way, or (from a hu­man per­spec­ti­ve) un­f­air­ly. Our pack of dogs is led by Jo­sie in a very quiet man­ner, and ani­mals that come to vi­sit also ad­apt quick­ly to her direction. 

Our house cat, Mi­ckey, re­cei­ves a fri­end­ly gree­ting from Jose every mor­ning, and other cats that we come across along the way are trea­ted the same way. Jo­sie of­ten dis­co­vers cats un­der­neath park­ed cars: with her rear end up in the air, tail wag­ging vi­go­rous­ly, she di­ves un­der­neath the car to say hel­lo. This is al­ways a very amusing sce­ne to watch. Bun­nies and rab­bits are also of in­te­rest to Jo­sie, par­ti­cu­lar­ly the rab­bit cage lo­ca­ted in the neighbor’s yard. She can cir­cle the cage for hours wat­ching the rab­bits. She is so in­tent on the litt­le crea­tures, that she so­me­ti­mes for­gets to put down one of her paws,and then tri­es to so­mehow re­gain her ba­lan­ce. Jo­sie is fri­end­ly towards other ani­mals and does not ex­hi­bit a gre­at hun­ting in­stinct. Should it ever be ne­ces­sa­ry for her to rely on her hun­ting skills to sur­vi­ve, it is our guess that she would pro­ba­b­ly starve. 

Jo­sie does not bark much, and if she does, it is out of pure ex­ci­te­ment – never frus­tra­ti­on. She is a very even-tem­pe­red dog that can lay down quiet­ly so­me­whe­re in the house wi­t­hout ha­ving to be kept ac­ti­ve. Of cour­se, all of that ch­an­ges when vi­si­tors ar­ri­ve! Vi­si­tors are al­ways gree­ted with a gre­at deal of en­thu­si­asm, and are tho­rough­ly in­spec­ted with her nose. Every now and then, she can get a bit out of hand. Jo­sie finds child­ren par­ti­cu­lar­ly in­te­res­t­ing and cle­ar­ly wants to play with them. 

Jo­sie does not care for stairs, par­ti­cu­lar­ly ex­po­sed stairs that al­low one to see th­rough to the flo­or. We are working with her to over­co­me her dis­com­fort. Jo­sie en­joys be­ing com­bed, brushed, and ba­thed – pro­ba­b­ly be­cau­se she has fi­gu­red out that she will be re­ward­ed with a tre­at afterwards.

Jo­sie has many fa­cial ex­pres­si­ons that amu­se us. When we talk to her, she seems to ans­wer in her own lan­guage. On ex­tre­me­ly rare oc­ca­si­on, she can be a bit spi­teful. She then plops down so­me­whe­re on the flo­or in a huff and pre­tends we do not exist for about 10 se­conds. But then – as soon as we move just the sligh­test bit clo­ser – her tail re­su­mes its hap­py wag­ging. It is ac­tual­ly much more than just a tail wag – the­re is a re­ason why she is nick­na­med ”rug beater.”

When Mai­sy joi­n­ed the fa­mi­ly, Jo­sie did not make a fuss when Mai­sy ate from her food bowl and over­loo­ked other mis­deeds com­mit­ted by the new­co­mer, so­me­thing other dogs su­re­ly would not have to­le­ra­ted. We are con­vin­ced that Jo­sie al­re­a­dy knew that the­re would be an ad­di­ti­on to the pack. Every time we came back from the bree­der, we un­der­went a tho­rough snif­fing ex­ami­na­ti­on by her. Jo­sie would then run down the hall­way, loo­king to see as to whe­re the other dog might be. Mai­sy and Jo­sie quick­ly be­ca­me best fri­ends and even curl up tog­e­ther in the same bas­ket. In any event, when­ever the­re is food on the ho­ri­zon, they are both sit­ting pret­ty in front of us. Na­tu­ral­ly, they rough­house and play tog­e­ther on a dai­ly basis.

To us, Jo­sie is more than a mem­ber of the fa­mi­ly. She is the type of fri­end who is the­re for us un­con­di­tio­nal­ly and never lea­ves our side. In Jo­sie, we have found a very spe­cial com­pa­n­ion. We are so hap­py that we de­ci­ded to get her and that she has be­co­me such a won­derful dog.

