Australian Shepherd Züchter aus Krefeld (NRW)

About us


- Wir ha­ben zau­ber­haf­te Wel­pen von Jo­sie und Luke -

–>The two of us, Jen­ni­fer and Mir­ko, live tog­e­ther with our th­ree Aus­tra­li­an She­p­herds Jo­sie, Mai­sy, and Lay­la, as well as our house cat, Mi­ckey, in a coun­try home lo­ca­ted out­side the city of Ka­arst (NRW – North Rhi­ne West­pha­lia, Germany).

Our Aus­sies are an in­te­gral part of our fa­mi­ly and they par­ti­ci­pa­te in all of our dai­ly ac­ti­vi­ties with a gre­at deal of eager­ness, en­thu­si­asm, and cu­rio­si­ty. Long walks th­rough the sur­roun­ding fields, lear­ning new tricks – and, of cour­se, lots of cuddling – en­rich our dai­ly life and that of our our dogs and their puppies.

The Australian Shepherd

Learn all about the Aus­tra­li­an She­p­herd in our book: cha­rac­te­ristics of the breed, how to care for them, train them, and keep them busy!


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Raising Puppies

Our pup­pies are born in the fa­mi­ly home (non-smo­king house­hold) and, from day one, are gent­ly ex­po­sed to the ca­co­pho­ny of ever­y­day life so they can get ac­cus­to­med to it: house­hold ap­pli­ances, rin­ging te­le­pho­nes, va­cu­um clea­ners, TVs, mu­sic, etc.

Wi­thin the first weeks of life, we work on es­tab­li­shing a po­si­ti­ve bond bet­ween peo­p­le and pup­pies th­rough pet­ting, fee­ding, short games, and exercises.

The pup­pies also get to know our cat, Mi­ckey, as well as the other dogs. As soon as the litt­le ones are ste­ady on their four legs, they are al­lo­wed to ex­plo­re the rest of the house and yard to fur­ther sti­mu­la­te their sen­ses. Once the pup­pies are 4 weeks old, we wel­co­me vi­si­tors, both adults and child­ren, to in­ter­act with the pup­pies by appointment

When, af­ter 8 weeks, we place our pup­pies into the lo­ving arms of their new fa­mi­lies, they will have been mi­cro­chip­ped, vac­ci­na­ted, de­wor­med, and tes­ted for ge­ne­tic eye diseases.

We en­joy stay­ing in cont­act with the ow­ners of our pup­pies and look for­ward to re­cei­ving new pho­tos of our for­mer char­ges from time to time.

Breeding Goals

Our Aus­tra­li­an She­p­herd bree­ding ef­forts fo­cus on show-dog li­neage, and cha­rac­te­ristics we aim to achie­ve in our pup­pies in­clude ex­cel­lent he­alth, strong cha­rac­ter, and an even tem­pe­ra­ment. Our pup­pies are ro­bust, peo­p­le-ori­en­ted, and dis­play gre­at eager­ness to plea­se. Of cour­se, looks are also im­portant, and a plea­sing ap­pearance is also one of our goals.

Our dog pai­rings are careful­ly thought out and long in the ma­king. We stri­ve for per­fec­tion. When con­side­ring stud dogs, we not only look for ex­cel­lent he­alth and ap­pearance, but also put spe­cial em­pha­sis on the dog’s even temperament.

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