
Australian Shepherd Züchter aus Krefeld (NRW)

Currently Planned Litters

We are plan­ning a lit­ter for summer/fall 2014 from the pai­ring of our Jo­sie with the Cham­pi­on CH Ca­ro­li­na Ca­lais Tah Da­aah W’13 NJK LJK BJW’11 ”Coo­per”. Their pup­pies are ex­pec­ted to be born at the end of July; they will be re­leased, at the ear­liest, by the end of August/early September.

If you are in­te­res­ted in pup­pies from this pai­ring, we re­com­mend that you re­gis­ter as an In­te­res­ted Par­ty. We have pro­vi­ded more in­for­ma­ti­on re­gar­ding pup­py de­ve­lo­p­ment and so­cia­liza­ti­on here.

Blue Mountain’s
The One ’N’ Only ”Jo­sie”



Ex­pec­ted fur colors:

  • Blue-Mer­le
  • Red-Mer­le
  • Black-Tri
  • Red-Tri

Only pup­pies with long tails are born.

Puppies from Maisy & Stuart

On Fe­bru­ary 16, 2014, Mai­sy gave birth to 8 beau­tiful pup­pies: four ma­les and four fe­ma­les, th­ree red-tri and one red-mer­le for each sex.

Pup­pies may be cudd­led by vi­si­tors as of March 16 (by ap­point­ment). They will be re­a­dy to be re­leased start­ing April 13.

”Luna” (Red-Merle Female)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Ju­li­ne & Patrick

”Smilla” (Red-Tri Female)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Na­di­ne & Family

”Mila” (Red-Tri Female)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Lau­ra & Ben

”Chewie” (Red-Tri Male)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Ja­ni­ne & Family

”Desmond” (Red-Tri Male)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Se­li­na & Family

”Amy” (Red-Tri Female)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Sa­rah & Dimitri

”Fynn” (Red-Tri Male)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Kers­tin & Family

”Sammy” (Red-Merle Male)

In­te­rest ex­pres­sed by Fran­zis­ka & Family

Release of the Puppies

At the age of 8 weeks, our pup­pies are al­lo­wed to move into their new ho­mes. By then, they will have made gre­at stri­des in their de­ve­lo­p­ment. When they are re­leased, they have been vac­ci­na­ted, mir­co­chip­ped, and de­wor­med. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, all pup­pies un­der­go an eye exam by a li­cen­sed oph­thal­mo­lo­gist (eye spe­cia­list) to test for ge­ne­tic eye diseases.

All of our pup­pies re­cei­ve a wel­co­me pa­cket that con­ta­ins, among other things, the fol­lo­wing items:

  • ALSA-food for the first few days
  • Me­di­cal test re­sults of the parents
  • Eye exam re­sults of the re­spec­ti­ve puppy
  • ASCA Re­gis­tra­ti­on Form
  • Tas­so Re­gis­tra­ti­on Form
  • EU-Vac­ci­na­ti­on Record
  • and a sur­pri­se gift!

Of cour­se, we are al­ways available to ans­wer ques­ti­ons and give ad­vice to new ow­ners of our pup­pies even af­ter purcha­se. We look for­ward to re­cei­ving up­dates on our pup­pies and their fa­mi­lies, as well as cur­rent pho­tos of our for­mer charges.